Whenever you talk with golfers about golf instruction, they all seem to be very interested in the latest gadget, gimmick, trend, or secret method but mention fundamentals and they tune out quicker than you can say jack rabbit.
“That’s just for beginners,” they say citing their current 19 handicap as evidence that they have progressed beyond working on their grip, posture, and alignment. But talk about the “X-Factor” or “Speed Stick” or “The Power Move” or “The Magic Pill” or “The Inside Path” or some other new-fangled gimmick and they immediately start to salivate at the thought of becoming a single digit handicapper just by buying another videotape, DVD, or gimmick.
The truth is that yes, you can play good golf even with poor fundamentals but it’s so much easier to get your golf game on track and keep it on track if your golf swing is fundamentally sound. There is a moment in every golf swing whether it be a full driver swing, a 3 foot putt, or a 30 yard pitch, that I like to call “the moment of truth.”
The “moment of truth” determines whether or not a given shot will start on line and where it will finish.
This “moment of truth,” impact, is really the only thing that matters whether you’re pounding your driver or trying to coax in a 3 footer. Whether or not you can square the face of the club to the intended target line at impact determines how successful any single swing will be.
Let’s take for example, Lee Trevino. Trevino’s swing was not what you’d call classic but he was very skilled at squaring the face of the club to the target line at impact. He spent years honing his motion to a fine edge, spending countless hours on the driving range and golf course so that he could consistently square the face of the club to his intended target line. Jim Furyk is another example of someone with a less than classic motion who has major championship talent and who has spent his entire life honing his golf swing so that he can consistently square the club face to the intended target line. Fred Couples is another example and the list goes on and on. These players, all from different set-up positions, have trained themselves to square the club face to the intended target line at impact and you can too.
Having said that, let me say that most of us simply don’t have the time or talent required to hone our action to this very fine edge so it’s awesomely important that with limited practice and playing time, we give ourselves the very best possible chance to hit good shots and that means to play our best golf it would behoove each of us, no matter our current handicap, to work on developing sound fundamentals. It’s just easier with a good grip, good posture, and good alignment to hit shots that fly toward the target and that’s what we all want …..right?
So why do players who would love to play like Tiger Woods, who consistently shoot in the upper 80′s, 90′s, and worse, steer clear of the very fundamental concepts that would help them play better and shoot lower scores? Is it pride? Is it a misconception they have about what’s important? What is it? I can guarantee you that Tiger Woods works diligently on fundamental concepts like grip, posture, and alignment. He does this because he knows that if one of these fundamentals gets a little off, it will effect his entire swing. He knows this as do all tour players and most low handicappers.
Good players work consistently to develop and maintain a good grip, athletic posture, and square alignment.
Bad players don’t. Players who struggle seem to work on gimmicks, fads, and tricks in an effort to improve but somehow year after year, they have a new set of clubs, new pair of shoes, the latest golf ball technology, a brand new gimmick, and yet they shoot the same old scores and hit the same bad shots.
Now I know that working on your grip, posture, and alignment are not nearly as exciting as working with the latest gadget you bought on the Golf Channel that will allow you to hit the ball 350 yards but if you’ll try working on your fundamentals as prescribed in “How To Break 90 In 3 Easy Lessons”, you’ll see results that you won’t find anywhere else. You might actually be surprised how good your swing really is when you put yourself in the optimum positions to excel.
I know it, Tiger knows it, and know YOU know it…. so get out there and get to work on the concepts that are truly essential if you are going to shoot the scores you’ve always dreamed of.
This golf articles from http://golftips002.blogspot.com/
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